Qizhi He

Short Description
Research interests
Navigation and flight control, State estimation of aircraft.
Honor college, Northwestern Polytechnical University, 2009-2011.
Bachelor of Engineering, Material science and engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, 2011-2013.
Master of Science with Distinction, Advanced engineering (Control), University of Leicester, 2013-2015.
Ph.D candidate, Navigation, Guidance and Control, Northwestern Polytechnical University, 2015- .
1. He Q, Zhang W, Liu X, et al. Information fusion and reconstruction of key sensors in a flight control system in constant wind field based on two stage EKF. Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference. IEEE, 2017:718-724.
2. He Q, Zhang W, Huang D, et al. Aircraft Inertial Measurement Unit Fault Diagnosis Based on Optimal Two-Stage UKF, Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University, 2018 (in press)
3. He Q, Zhang W, Liu X, et al. Noise rejection and anti-divergence of key sensors in a flight control system based on Adaptive Fading EKF, Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference. IEEE, 2018 (in press)